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L'Esprit Déménage Le vent siffle une mélodie, qui me force à rêver. Le tourbillonnement des feuilles me berce dans mes pensées... Courte description Une histoire poétique de courte durée qui vous entraînera vers de nouvelles pensées. Six pieds sous terre la vie peut être bien différente que vous l'imaginez.
Moving Spirit The wind sings a song taking me to my dreams. The leaves spin and one by one, drop gentle hints of the dreams and nightmares to come... Short description A short poetic story upon a new road where six feet under, life can be very different than what you had imagined

1 comment:
I heard a couple of guys talking about this in the New York subway so I looked it up online and found your page. Thanks. I thought I was right and you confirmed my thoughts. Thanks for the work you've put into this. I'd love to save this and share with my friends.
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